Join the FLO…

I wanted to share something that I am very passionate about! Most of you surly know that our main goal and desire for The lovely Little Linewife is to support linemen and their families and to spread awareness about linework- read our mission statement here!

Recently, I personally had the honor of getting involved with an amazing organization called The Fallen Linemen Organization. Their mission is:

To memorialize fallen electrical line workers and care for their families by providing moral and financial support.

Read more about what the FLO is all about here!

I want to encourage EVERYONE to consider getting involved! Whether it be by making a donation, volunteering to help spread the word, or even assisting in fundraising the opportunities are endless and always well worth it!!

Head on over to to see what they are all about,
and most importantly please consider getting involved! If you would like more information you can feel free to contact my personally at, or contact them directly at!

The line community is like one big family, and families help and support each other!

PS- To celebrate Linemen Appreciation Day on April 18th, 2014 the FLO is hosting a Virtual 5K. You can join the “Virtual 5K for Linemen Appreciation Day” event on Facebook for more info!

*** Just a friendly reminder that The Lovely Little Linewife and The Fallen Linemen Organization are in no way associated with one another. Their views and/or opinions may not reflect our view and/or opinions- Other than supporting and helping the legacy of our fallen brothers live on!! ***

Who can relate…

Your a wife/girlfriend to an AP or LM. You have a children. He is gone so much. You cry, the kids miss him, he’s not that excited either, but he does it because he’s the man of the house and he HAS to provide for his family!

It’s hard. It sucks. And quite frankly it can be extremely trying on ones heart and soul!

Our trailers been in the shop getting fixed for 3 weeks now, and out of commission since the middle of November. I went a few times on the road with him since, but OH MY! I don’t know… for me there is something different about the trailer than a hotel room… Is that weird? Now the hubby gets sent a little further north and is back to working 5/10s on transmission.

Don’t get me wrong he is happy to be back on transmission, and the extra pay is always welcomed. BUT sometimes you just need them. Sometimes it’s nice to talk face to face. Sometimes it’s even nice having them next you in bed- even if they are snoring- sometimes!

I guess today is one of those days where I feel defeated… Defeated as a mother, as a wife, and somewhat as a person. I feel unsuccessful. Today the kids chose NOT to listen to even one word I said. Cabin fever has set in, and my oldest decided- no mater what I said or did- he was NOT doing his homework! Even bed time was a nightmare!

Really? Why? Ok this is where I SCREAM! And then a subtle reminder…
Simply said 🙂

Blogger search!!!

We are looking for bloggers to join our team. Blogging categories range from the obvious Line Line category, but also health and fitness, food, homeschooling and road schooling, fashion and beauty, you name it!

If you think you would like to join our team please send us an email to (subject: Blogger Search). Please include a little bit about yourself, and a sample post (Please title it and include your topic category also!) The deadline for entries will be March 1st!!

If you are selected you will receive a reply email with further instructions and information.

This is not paid positions. It will all be done on your own free time. Please only respond if you are TRULY interested and feel you can dedicate a little time to the cause!

We welcome anyone and everyone! We love diversity and welcome different opinions! We all look forward to blogging with you 🙂

Paradigm shift: Changing our high school plan

One thing about me is that I’m always reading. Looking for support or for new ideas. If there is something I’m interested in, I’m looking for books, blogs, articles, etc to get more info. Given that, it makes sense that I do a lot of reading about home schooling.

Over the years I have leaned more and more toward unschooling. I’ve posted a bit about that before. That is where we have settled with my younger three kids. My oldest was using Citizens’ High School for her high school lessons. We love Citizens’ and feel it is an awesome choice for doing high school at home. My husband and I both used it our Senior year to graduate and get our diploma. It was a natural choice for us to get our oldest daughter signed up as soon as she was ready for high school. As we worked our way through the lessons and subjects though, I felt less and less sure of our choice. We were moving from such a natural way of learning and moving into “get it done and get it over with” type of thinking. No, I didn’t know why we had to do that, but we did, so just get it done. She didn’t see why she should learn this stuff and so we were fighting our way through.

But, I felt she needed an accredited high school diploma. She has no plans to go to college, but I thought she should have that just in case. I was scared that a diploma from our private school would be a problem.  Then I read this article from Princeton. As you can see, they ask for many different things from their home schooled applicants but an accredited diploma is not one of them.

And I read this article about how well prepared for college home schooled kids are. There are many benefits home schooled kids get that make them ready for college. Being more independent is, to me, a huge one. Also, they are better socialized and ready for the real world. These are things that my kids are going to get out of home schooling and it doesn’t require them to use an accredited program.

I thought about why we are homeschooling. There are many reasons (I covered some here.) One huge reason is to make sure our kids keep their love of learning. The love that every child is born with and deserves to keep. My child was not loving learning from her high school classes. It was torture. It was pointless. And after reading the above articles, I realized it just wasn’t worth it.

So, we are finishing out this “year”, her freshman year, because these four subjects are paid for and we have them. She finished her language arts a while back and just finished her world history and earth science. Now we are working our way through Algebra. Slowly. Painfully. I’m trying to make it more fun and point out all the real life uses, but she hates math and this isn’t helping. I’m not worried about getting it “done on time” or anything. I’ve reminded myself that we are homeschooling so that we can go her speed. If we need to camp out on this topic, we will. I loved Algebra once I got it. I took Algebra 2 and was looking forward to Calculus and Trigonometry and I’m not really a “math person”. So, I am hopeful that I can find that switch for my daughter and turn her on to the subject too. If not, we will work through it together and not look back. 🙂

So what are we going to do?

Well, first I looked up our state’s laws to find out what was required for graduating high school. All schools in Kansas have to cover a minimum number/type of subjects to graduate their students. As home schoolers in Kansas, we run as a private school. So, we need to cover those subjects as listed and then can issue our own diploma when we decide she has met those requirements. Easy. This article also covers the typical high school subjects and some typical ways of covering them.  You may want to keep track of what your child does as you go along so you can have a college portfolio ready by the end of their senior year.

We are going to go about high school in an unschooly way (I made that word up). My daughter is a voracious reader. She is always looking for new books to read. She is also very open to suggestions from me. So, for Language Arts, we are going to keep track of the books she reads and include the quality books she reads in a reading list to include in her portfolio. This portfolio is not required by the state of Kansas, but something I want to have on hand as a type of transcript of her high school years. If she decides to go to college, it will be ready to be made into a college portfolio. Since she is open to suggestions, I will be able to include a few books from lists of classics and such each library trip. She loves to write, so I’ll ask her to have small samples of her writing to include also.  If toward her Senior year she starts to show interest in college, we will include practice for more essays, research papers and the like.  Science will be covered by reading material she picks up at the library and field trips we fit in over the years. Knowing the science expected by the state, we will focus her reading on those topics, but she will be free to explore any subjects that grab her attention. Social Studies/Government/History/Civics will be done the same way. Mathematics is going to be slightly less unschool like. She will do a ton of learning just with life and such. She will help me grocery shop, play games, eventually get a job, etc.  We will also find fun projects and activities on Pinterest to do. These will include her younger siblings and be a great way for her to learn and also integrate previously learned things deeper by teaching them.  Even so, I will also have her do some time on Khan Academy each day. This is a simple way to keep her moving forward and have a way to show progress for her portfolio. This won’t have a major focus though and should only take 10-15 mins a day, so I’m hoping it won’t be a source of frustration for her. The final two subjects required are Physical Education/Health and Fine Arts. PE/Health is no problem. Think of all the ways you can cover that each year and we only have to show one year. Health is an ongoing discussion as life progresses. I’m hoping to find a CPR/First Aid class for her to take also. Fine Arts is also no issue here. My daughter is hugely into drawing and I will include samples of her drawing in her portfolio. I also will encourage her to read up on art history during her library trips and we will include these books in a reading list.

I’ve come to realize that I am not comfortable with following one line of thinking for my children as they grow and then suddenly change it for my teens. My teens are just as capable of learning what they need to know and following their interests as my younger children. I think it’s even more important for them to learn this way. How wonderful is it to have a chance to deeply develop your interests and possibly grow those interests into a career? That’s the thinking behind unschooling my kids for high school.

TheLSM (1)

Learning Latin

My 12 year old son has decided he wants to learn Latin. So, I started looking around and found a few resources to get him started.

The first is a free download at .  You have to join, but it’s free and worth it to get some of the free downloads. The one I’m looking at using for Latin is The Greek and Latin Roots and Stems Art Book Lesson Plan. I think he’ll love it because he enjoys art and drawing. I love that it is a great basic look at Latin and how much of our language is rooted in it.

Another site is Minimus. I’m looking into buying the stuff if his interest continues, but for now he is enjoying the comics and other kid stuff provided on the site. The comics are pretty neat because they are written in Latin and when you hover the mouse over the words, they translate into English. There are quite a few games and other activities for the kids to check out. There is a teachers section also with lots of teaching resources.

If you want to continue Latin with some natural exposure to it, maybe you would like to buy some well known children’s books written in Latin!  This list at Amazon has quite a few! Who knew you could read Harry Potter or Winnie the Pooh in Latin!

A few other books I found mentioned as great Latin resources:

Latin for Beginners (Usborne books)

First Thousand Words in Latin (Usborne books)

Getting Started with Latin – This book was mentioned many times in homeschoooling groups. The kids and parents really seemed to like it and felt it was a great way to start learning Latin. Some comments about it, “simple, but not dumbed down”, “easy, slow-paced program”, “very gradual and builds upon the knowledge that is learned before”, and best of all, “affordable”.

I have also seen Visual Latin mentioned many times. It seems many children use this method of learning Latin and really enjoy it. Reading reviews and their description, it looks fantastic and if his interest continues I will definitely look into buying this one. I love their idea that “it’s better to make students laugh than yawn”. I also appreciate that they use shorter videos and have children learn to read Latin rather than memorize it. How much information that you memorized in your school days do you still remember? It just isn’t a very effective method of learning.

So, that’s what I’ve come up with so far with my research. I was surprised when my son told me he wanted to learn Latin, and a bit intimidated also. Latin has always seemed like such a big undertaking. As you can see though, it doesn’t have to be and can even be fun!  I look forward to helping my son on this journey as long as he wants it to continue.


My favorite slow cooker roast!!

2-1/2lb to 3lb round roast
1pk au jus mix
1pk brown gravy mix
4 medium potatoes diced
1lb baby carrots

Place your round roast in a crock pot set on low. In a measuring bowl, mix the au jus and brown gravy as directed- my packs together usually call for 4c. of water witch is enough to fill my crockpot! Once mixed pour over your roast. Then add your diced potatoes and carrots. Let cook for 8hrs. Serve and enjoy 🙂